Welcome to
Cakra Creative

Be part of our creative association and make a change together

About Us

What is Cakra?

CAKRA is Creative Industry Association that focuses on building sustainable ecosystem for IP development. Each CAKRA members are leaders in their respective creative sector, such as games, comics, animation, movies, music, and toys.

Vision & Mission


To encourage the IP industry ecosystem in Indonesia


  • Supporting forum for cross-sector IP businesses to create awareness and advisory for public and government entities
  • Facilitate discussion and networking across creative sectors to promote collaborative projects in different fields
  • Building sustainable growth and healthy ecosystem for IP businesses

Meet the members


Ivan Chen

Founder of Anantarupa Studios

Ellen Xie

Vice President
Founder of Paragon Pictures

Chris Lie

Deputy of Comic Sector
Founder of Caravan Studios

Andre Surya

Deputy of Animation Sector
Founder of Enspire Studio and ESDA

Johan S. Tandanu

Cakra Honorary Advisor
Secretary General of APMI

Elwin Hendrijanto

Deputy of Music Sector
Film Composer & Pianist

Win Satrya

Deputy of Toys Sector
Founder of Museum of Toys

Adieb Aryasepta

Deputy of Media, Marketing, and Publication
CIO of Awrago

Cornelio Sunny

Deputy of Film
CEO of Matta Cinema

Andi Taru

Deputy of Education and Marketing
Founder of Educa and Gamelab

Our Partners

Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Coordinationg MInistry for Maritime and Investment Affairs The Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia
How To Join

CAKRA members represent diverse backgrounds and interests in IP industry – we do not restrict or select based on cultural and socioeconomic factors.

We invite you to apply if:

  • You are Indonesian
  • You have a strong interest in IP development
  • You demonstrate a deep commitment to working towards IP development in Indonesia and creating sustainable ecosystem for all stakeholders
  • You are searching for opportunities and resources that support your IP entrepreneurship

Contact Us

Do you have any question related to IP industry in Indonesia?
Contact us through this form and we will reach out to you

Cakra Creative Association

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